Hi everyone
My DS6 is probably MG with some 2E qualities (slow processing and some spectrum traits, although he has not qualified for an ASD diagnosis). He is struggling with expressing empathy - if someone is hurt he will respond and ask if they're OK, help if he can or try to distract them by making them laugh, but seems really uncomfortable going beyond that. He wouldn't often, for example, sympathise and say things like "ooh that must hurt", or spontaneously give physical comfort. Basically he will give a shallow response and then appears to run out of ideas and gets really uncomfortable or sort of shuts down. We had a talk about it this afternoon and he told me "when I look at someone having an emotion, I feel that same emotion and I can't stop it and it's too much." Anyone else have this with their kids? I know it's normal to an extent, but it seems to be hindering him socially. Is there anything I can do to help him with his feelings of being overwhelmed in the moment?
Thanks in advance!