I love reading these stories!!! Made me laugh and think of my DS5 the other day at the community pool. We found a new pool to visit that had really cool water squirters that shot out into the pool. I was in the corner watching him and trying to figure out what in the world he was doing...he would duck under all the squirters and follow the edge of the pool then would yell "I'm evaporating" and go all nuts splashing and then would go to this umbrella sprayer that shot water down and he would yell "weeee" and fall into the water and then would do it all over again....I finally went to ask him what he was doing and he informed me that he was the water cycle - I was a little confused and he told me that as he swam along the side of the pool, he was in "the river" then when he got at the end, he was evaporated and floated up to the clouds and then when he got under the umbrella sprayer he fell back down as rain and then began again...as he continued to "play", his scenario morphed somehow into him being in the "water pipes" under the road on the way to the water treatment plant, then at the umbrella sprayer he was put through the cleaning process and then released back into the system....I thought he was just thrashing around in the water :-)