Originally Posted by cmguy
I agree with screening all kids. Maybe some internet billionaire could be recruited to fund a pilot project in a school district to screen all kids at age 4 and 6 or something like that. I don't know if there is an instrument that is cheaper to administer than the full WPPSI-IV (which cost of the better part of $1k to do - totally worth it by the way).

The district we previously listed in did start screening all 1st graders a few years ago. They used the CoGAT and the ITBS. They also let kids apply to be tested each subsequent year. They also have an exceptionally high bar (must hit 99% with the test one grade up on both tests). Because of the high bar and the tests chosen, most gifted kids still don't get served there.

Last edited by Aufilia; 10/17/15 09:36 PM.