Hi there,

I am very new to all this and am fairly overwhelmed.

My 9 year old did both the KTBIT 2 and the KTEA-II tests recently. I was just wondering if anyone has any ideas on what these tests could indicated? We are on the waiting list to see a Developmental Pead and it is an 8 month wait.

Neither composite score could be calculate due to the large discrepancies in the subtests.

His reading score falls within the bandwidth of 130 - 142 (Higher than 99% of children his age)

His writing score falls within the bandwidth 60- 78 (higher than 2%) of children his age

The person who did the tests said the reading score was misleading as he can't comprehend a lot of what he reads.

He is also spelling at a 14.5 year old level based on assessment and is in the 92% percentile for digit memory. If he sees a word, any word for a couple of seconds, he can spell it forever more. Even really advanced words that I can't spell.

He has been flagged as a VSL learner and she suspects he may be 2e.

Any insight would be much appreciated.