The tutor she's seeing (or at least, the head of the tutoring center, with whom she spends some time -- there are lots of sub-tutors, too) is trained in Slingerland, which is an O-G method. The head tutor told me a few visits ago "her reading is so good, we're going to focus on writing for a while". It seems like what [Twin B] is generally doing in a session is reading a passage and writing in response to it. She got lots of praise last time for hard work and for correctly spelling "momentum" on the first try, which the tutor said showed she was thinking about the sounds and listening to them in her head. This doesn't sound like the kind of focused, repeated phonemic work you're talking about.

Do you know how bright kids respond to the heavy repetition to build automaticity? Everything you say makes sense, but I kind of imagine her rebelling if she were asked to do that. (She's got a short fuse, another thing we're working on right now.)