DD7 has started a new school this year in a full-time gifted program in a combined 3/4 class. The first month of school went great, not 1 complaint about kids being mean or hurting her feelings or any of that stuff, but the honeymoon period has ended frown
For the last 2 weeks she has started coming home with stories of the other girls (there are 6 of them in a class of 23 kids and she is 1 of 2 3rd grade girls) being mean to her and hurting her feelings. Sometimes they tell her that she can't be with them because they have to discuss 4th grade stuff, other times they say stuff that indicates that she is too young to understand or behave they way they want her to. Most recently, it has been that they decided they needed to be completely honest with each other about how everyone is acting, so when they think DD is being defensive (which is apparently all the time), they tell her to stop being defensive or she can't play with them.
This is DD's 4th year in school and her 3rd school because we moved and she got into this program, and every time we have the same problems. So, knowing DD's speech pattern, which often sounds like she is a know it all, and the fact that she is used to hanging out with kids older than her because her older sister has lots of friends that we do things with, not to mention that she is highly opinionated, I can not believe that DD is innocent of having anything to do with these problems.
My issue is that I have given her lots of advice about how to deal with these girls, as well as to think before she speaks, and everything else I can possibly think of. I have obviously not come up with the solution, since it is still happening. I don't want DD to end up with no friends, and I want her to learn how to be a good friend. Any suggestions?