Thanks to everyone on this board who helped me sort out what was what with iep vs. 504, earlier this summer.

It was a bit of a flurry towards the end of the summer, with the school, but they seemed to do a good job of moving quickly.

At one point mid summer it looked pretty hopeless - no way they'd have anything in place on the first day of school, since they stated they did not have enough psychologists to assign one to do all the required testing.

At one point I just quietly said, "hm, well that doesn't seem fair to him".
After that, the ball really started rolling: the counselor emailed me a week or so later and said that instead of another round of testing, they'd just use the very thorough assessment done by our doctor to make a determination of ds' eligibility for services.

A couple weeks later we had an eligibility meeting, and discussions of potential areas where they could do things for him to even the playing field...and literally the friday before start of school, we met to iron out the particulars of his iep.

Week one of school was pretty good, too, according to ds.
The classes are not overwhelming, a few are co-taught with a special ed support person right in the class the entire time, but moving at the same pace as a general ed class. And he has 1 class every morning where he gets instruction on organization, social skills, etc. He is fitting in a couple of pre-ap courses and feeling pretty ok about the whole thing.

On paper, it looks like a lot of stuff he needs to challenge his gifted side and a lot of stuff he needs to keep from falling off the track due to his add and aspergers.

Anyway, huge relief, although I know there will be plenty of challenges nonetheless.