Hello all, my younger DS, entering 1st grade, was recently identified as gifted. His scores are on here somewhere - His GAI is 138, I believe... and, if I recall correctly, his FSIQ was 132, I think. So, just moderately gifted, with an even profile, no learning disabilities. He's just a bright, easy-going kiddo. We have a GIEP meeting coming up and I have no clue what I should ask for. My older DS has a GIEP and an IEP for dyspraxia; so, I am used to advocating for accommodations for disabilities. I had to fight a lot in the past (2nd grade) to get gifted stuff addressed for him but that was not a problem after 2nd grade when he started getting some 'enriched' classes and was ultimately permitted to read his own books... I guess, now that I think of it, my older one made waves - he wanted more challenging math, he wanted to read books sufficiently challenging and at his interest level and not forced to only read from the "100 book challenge basket," etc. So, I knew what to ask for - he would basically tell me what he needed. My younger one isn't like that (yet, anyway). He's a pleaser. So, I do not know what to ask for. Anyone here have suggestions of what I should look into getting put in his GIEP? He's in the 95%iles for math and reading on the KTEA. I guess I will request some sort of enriched reading ...

Anyway, any advice and help would be appreciated!

Last edited by Irena; 09/08/15 10:47 AM.