Morning everyone.

My DD started 4th grade this past week. Last year her teacher tested her out of 3rd grade spelling and gave her words she pulled from a book she had assigned her. The book level was 5th grade but many of the words go way beyond 5th. I did a search on the words and some are 12th grade level. Regardless, DD was able to do the spelling with definitions to the point that her teacher added words on a weekly basis. She started with 5 words and by the end had 15 words a week to study. Her teacher was willing to challenge her.

This year my DD went to her new teacher and asked if she could test out. Teacher is not having it so we will need to set up a conference but I want to go prepared. I am looking for documentation to help prove our point that it is in DD best interest to be challenged. I still have all the words she was given and will put together a spreadsheet to show the words and grade level for each word but I also want to debunk the email the teacher sent me. I will copy it to the bottom of this post. Please help me with angle and facts. So appreciate it!

Her email response to me asking why she wouldn't test DD out of the 4th grade spelling words:

Our required curriculum for 4th grade spelling is Rebecca Sitton Spelling that every student is expected to master. The program identifies commonly used words and teaches spelling rules through word sorts, sentence building, and other activities. Katelyn did explain that the words are easy for her, and I challenged her to use more advanced words in the spelling pattern practice and writing. Fourth grade develops more difficult words both for spelling and vocabulary through writing and reading. There will be in class vocabulary work that will include challenging words. I encourage Katelyn to utilize her knowledge from last year's lists and try to incorporate more sophisticated language in her writing as we go through the year.

Here are some spelling links that offer different levels of challenge to use at home: