I'm adding CAPD to my list (that also includes SPD, stealth dyslexia, dysgraphia and ADHD) of things that are mightily impacted by asynchronous development, in particular, the delayed development of the prefrontal cortex in highly gifted children.

I never can find any direct science on this, but it seems like executive function and filtering are such a linchpin here for all these struggles. As I understand it - that comes out of the prefrontal cortex. If I was king of the world, they'd all go under an umbrella called Asynchronous Development Syndrome, and tracking of development of the pre-frontal cortex would be essential to development of IEPs, support plans etc.

I literally have NO expertise here - but it all seems to come together this way. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. At least until wiser folks (e.g., aeh) explain why I'm wrong.