Thanks all! I started last night to do more signing with him and hopefully that will help facilitate communication. I did not push it as much as I did with his sister because he is the second (I have less time) and he started to "try" to speak much earlier. I swear he would try to say milk around 5/6 months...he currently tries to say a lot, but his mouth just doesn't work like he wants it to.

He is also appearing to catch on to things very quickly and I imagine that I am in for a bit of a ride this coming year. For example, Daddy wasn't home yet and the little one said daddy bye bye and made me go to the garage to see the cars. When he did not see Daddy's car, he expressed his disappointment by crying / whimpering.

I also just need to spend more one on one time before he has his is just such a challenge with working, trying to get everyone fed at night and balancing the needs of his older sister and her continued need for intellectual stimulation.

Last edited by alicat; 08/11/15 06:57 AM.