I'm back with another problem I never thought I would have. My son learned to identify 0-9 at 18 months. I never pushed or even did much with rote counting because, you know, he is ONE! He doesn't need to count. Well, the joke's on me because by 21 months DS had clearly mastered quantities 0-5 from me telling him how many grapes he can have at a time (one!) and asking him to get 2 oranges. Stuff like that.

I've never lined up toys to count past 5 so I have no idea if he can count objects past 5 though he does have the ability to verbally count 0-10 now. Sometimes he misses 6. smile

I was thinking of starting to show him adding one and subtracting one. Is this a good idea? Is there some other math concept he needs before adding and subtracting one? It's not like he can write or anything so I have not found any math resources geared to his age. Are there any good apps geared to those around age 2?

In other my kid sort of freaks me out news, I can now set out 4-6 piece puzzles in a random order and he can look at all the pieces and tell me what the object is before he ever puts it together to see the whole thing. I feel like this is kind of out there for his age (22 months now!) but I have no comparison. Maybe that's normal? My Mom spidey sense tells me I have a very visual kid.