Our superintendent of our local school district has agreed to consider early Kindergarten for our DS. He needs letters of recommendation and our official request letter.

Here is what I have so far and I feel like I am not making the real points. I have to write this so that if he agrees to take it to the school board, they see the points as valid. I'm explaining why early K is imperative to a group of people who will likely think I am just "pushing" an intelligent child into a developmentally innappropriate situation. What can I say other than this that makes our case stand out?

Here's what I have so far [edited for privacy]:

We want to thank you for meeting with us on_______ to discuss the educational needs of our son. The intent of this letter is to request consideration that he be admitted into kindergarten early, either in Transitional Kindergarten in Fall, 2015 or kindergarten in Spring, 2016.

Our primary concern is his social and emotional well being and our strong opinion is that he would be best served by attending kindergarten early. This year is the perfect window for him to begin school. If we wait, he will be so advanced that he will develop behaviors to cope with the lack of challenge. We see early entrance as a way to closer meet his cognitive needs thus allowing him to absorb the social benefits of kindergarten.

_________’s high cognitive ability and high academic achievement puts him at an academic level two to three years ahead of his same age peers. On the district administered standardized assessment, ______ scored in the 99.5 percentile in intelligence and over 99.9 percentile in visual-motor skills.

_____ has attended preschool since age two. He is highly social, has many friends, communicates very well, is extremely tall, and his fine motor skills are advanced. ________ taught himself to read and write. His handwriting is excellent he uses inventive spelling. He enjoys doing first grade math workbooks and discusses math throughout the day. He gravitates toward older kids on the playground, at camp and preschool and fits in well with them. He gets ready on his own and hops in the car early to go to his summer camp program. He loves school and daydreams of elementary school.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to aid in this process.



Last edited by GGG; 07/20/15 05:50 PM.