Thanks aeh - I do think all of it is somehow connected just not sure how or where we look for that connection.

I just spoke to the SLP and we do indeed have a dysarthria diagnosis. It is probably not related to a stroke or major head trauma (thank goodness) but could have been there prenataly. While maybe not perfect hopefully she can make significant improvement with correctly targeted interventions. DD has had years of speech services in school with no real effect so the need for an accurate evaluation is clear.

Let me try rephrasing my question to the forum - Has anyone had any experience with motor speech issues at all? Anyone have a kid with unintelligible speech who has also been diagnosed with other "dys" issues (ie dysgraphia, dyspraxia, etc.)? Early on in my journey someone here made a comment about looking for a connecting diagnosis, syndrome, etc if you get multiple diagnoses. I know there are other parents here who have reported dyslexic/ dysgraphic/ ADHD/ ASD, etc kids. Do any of you have articulation issues in the mix?