Thank you! It's so nice to hear from fellow homeschooler. Yes. It does help. In a different kind of way than expected.

Test results did influence our HS decision as our dd's learning profile and traditional school did not mix well and she was unhappy. We got testing to rule out LD, and discovered something different. So, while DYS would be lovely, perhaps we've already got what we most needed.

Not sure if we'll do a re-do. It would only be to try for DYS and for no other reason I can think of. Maybe it's a question for the psych, as to how accurate it was in leu of mild illness. I imagine it's fairly accurate. We'd just be hoping it might bump a bit. And, if I understand correctly, an older test version that has been out awhile tends to stretch high scores. The something effect... Other circumstances may have dragged her a bit too. A monotonous, under stimulating year that wasn't working for her and her resulting disengagement.

It was very good that we tested and made changes. And the scores are a bit of a guide for me as teacher. I'd love to hear your approach to homeschooling you PG son. Do you have a favorite book? Im glad DYS is adding to your experience. Thanks for your story.