He is my first child and I had no schooling expectations and didn�t really do anything with him until the summer before K when I just wanted to see what he could learn. (and to make sure he was not on the computer/TV for the full summer with nothing to show for his intellectual growth). The only thing we noticed is that he does memorize things fairly quickly. We noticed that he had that skill when he was around 3. His Pre-K teacher said he was a fast learner. In K, he was moved to an accelerator class that met 1 hour a day. While only 3 students in each class could go to the program and it was a rotation on which 3 kids could attend from each class, he was invited to attend as a full time student to the class. His K teacher was also impress how quickly he learned to read and towards the end of the school year, she asked him to read to the class during reading time so she could work on other projects. In first grade they had a pullout gifted class for 1st grade that he was a part of. In that class, he helped tutor some K students (their whole class did that). The teacher let me know that she used him to also help teach some of his other classmates math to those who were struggling. She said sometimes a child teaching another child a concept could teach it on a child to child language level where the child would understand it better from coming from another child then coming from a teacher (adult language level) He will again be in a gifted class for 2nd grade and I hope his new teacher will at least put him in a math class that actually teaches him something new so I don�t feel the need to continue math enrichment outside of school as up until now, the hour he spends in math at school is not teaching him anything new and it bothers me that he is not learning on his pace but what the school needs him to learn to pass that grade. I have no idea what his potential is at math but I would like his abilities and not the school to make that decision.