Our school does an open house/info session one week into the year which I love as an opportunity to start the dialog. The last two years I've waited patiently at the end of the line and then said something like -

I know you probably haven't had a chance to read DS's IEP or full psych report. Please contact me if there are issues or if you have any questions. We'd rather deal with things sooner rather than later and in the past we've had teachers let things fester for months which hasn't been good for anyone.

I can usually tell by their response to this how I want to approach things from there.

Not sure if that helps since if I remember right your DS is just starting out. One thing to keep in mind depending on where you are is that many of the teachers have been approached by parents who think their kid is crazy smart but in the end was pretty average in a high functioning class (not to say that is your case but just that that is what they might lump you into since they might not have encountered a kid like yours before). When he was younger I preferred to let them get to know DS a bit so they could see for themselves before I started meddling. Now that we've done this for a few years and have psych reports to back us up I'm a bit bolder. Even then I don't really think most teachers understand what 98%ile or 99%ile or >99.9%ile actually means until they experience it first hand. I still occasionally get the "oh it's ok, I've worked with lots of gifted kids" brush off but eventually they usually see what I was trying to hint at. Of course YMMV.