Here Downunder, schools don't really start teaching science until about age 11 - give or take a few units that seem to be predominantly about climate change for some reason.
DD8 however is extremely interested in science (she wants to be a particle physicist - as well as a cowgirl) but has vowed to never mention any of her STEM interests at school because she's a girl (I know, yikes!).
I have been bleating about this to the school for two years, and finally one teacher has asked if there are any websites DD can work on by herself during class time. All I can think of is BrainPop and Ted Ed - mostly we encourage her interests with clubs (Makerlab and astronomy club) or with sneaking into random homeschooling classes or with books.
Any suggestions?! I don't care too much about her making any progressions through a curriculum or anything like that, I just want it to be a) easy for her to navigate through herself, with appropriate content, b) cool and interesting. Mostly I want her to feel that it's ok to be a girl at school interested in STEM so something that causes as few hiccups as possible for her, the teacher and the class would be great, otherwise it could all be given up on.
This same teacher mentioned doing an official science course via correspondence during class time but her boss made a sour lemon face at that so I'm not holding my breath smile This school has no gifted program, no one trained in gifted education, doesn't even stream, so this is a real baby-step situation