Hi all - I am cross-posting this from the elementary school forum and hoping some of you can share your experiences. My kids (rising 3rd graders) attend a high performing public elementary that has a weak gifted program (pull-outs 45 mins/week, almost 50% of their grade classified as "gifted" this year). There is currently no accelerated or advanced math option until middle school, so in elementary it's mainly "in-class differentiation," which has been insufficient in our experience.

I have been advocating for an accelerated math class starting in 3rd grade and the school is considering doing this, but even after a lot of advocacy, it looks unlikely that it will actually happen for the coming year. So I have a meeting set up with the principal for next week and am thinking of requesting that my twins go to a higher grade for math class every day, assuming there is no advanced class option.

The problem is that I've been told that each grade has math class at a different time - the schedules are not aligned (currently). For those of you who have been in this situation, what did your child do when back in his/her regular classroom during the time slot for the base grade math class? And how did the school handle the other missed work? I would like to have some suggestions in place. I hate to have them miss something else in their regular class but after three years of watching them learn next to nothing in math at school, we are desperate.

Thanks for any advice or thoughts!