i guess my dh put together a good pc with our son a few years back because the minecraft maniac at our house, dd9, has not complained. For a few months she was glued to this thing several hours a week, getting her cousins hooked and getting them configured to log into different servers. They enjoyed logging into the same servers together and exploring and building. Dd has gone from knowing zip about computers to seeming to know quite a bit, at least she is extremely confident, command line does not daunt her, nor learning new command syntax. She was recently trying to figure out how to get new 'heads'..apparently there's a command where you can get someone's head on your own head. At one point she even worked in a 'head shop'. I did not tell her the meaning of this irl, she enjoyed helping the original builder of the shop hand out free heads. Weird, but fun. Highly recommend this.
Oh, also, key for girls -- this is a world where anybody can do anything;
my dd has built and adventured in this game with great abandon, never once running into a scenario where, because she is a girl, something was not open to her. She mostly feels this way in real life, but every little bit of influence in this direction helps.