This day. This WEEK. DH is away at an international astronomy conference for work this I get to play single parent to my adorable, lovable, amazing, intense crazy monster children. (note: DH goes away at least once/year for this sort of thing, or telescope time makes me appreciate single parents SO MUCH because I don't know how they do it all the time. Seriously.) Anyway, DH has been gone a day, and I had both kids DS5 and DS2 all day. And I had to work (remotely). And they were awful. It was rainy, they were manic, little one was hulksmash baby, DS5 was whiney mess - I'm boooored, I need heeeelp (I admit, I needed a couple hours this morning to complete a work project that was literally given to me this morning and was extremely time sensitive so there was a lot of, NOT RIGHT NOW I CANT OMG IM WORKING!!) Sigh.

I think I just wanted to vent. Because I have another 5 days to go. smirk

Also of note, (and I don't know if it relates to DH not being around or what) but DS5 has been awfully weird these last couple days (aside from the whining and the lack of listening, that is.) He has do I even describe it...hyper-observant? In an...almost makes me think OCD but not really kind of way. He is just...spotting every stain, every little bit of paper on the floor, odd specks of dirt, every cut, bruise, mark on himself and his brother and myself and it's a stream of, "what is that? why is it there? How did it happen? Are you SURE it's a ..." We got into a discussion about bruises tonight because he skeptical that we BOTH had bruises since mine was 'greenish' and his was 'reddish'. And then it went into more depth... I feel like there seems to be a bit of a...worry behind all of it. But when I say 'I don't know' to some of the questions or 'why does it matter that there is a tiny stain on your 2 year old brother's shirt or where it came from because who knows...he's 2." He seems ok with it. It's just odd. I don't know. I'm rambling. OH, he also was super worried about losing a die to this new game we got. kept asking if it was there. wanted me to check. And he started crying when he thought one of his puzzle pieces were missing today. I can't help thinking that maybe it's a control thing...about daddy not being around? but it's just...odd. Is this a 'normal' 5 year old thing? (normal used loosely). It has just been very intense the last day or so. Thoughts? Commiserations? Wine? I will accept any and all of the above. wink


Last edited by Marnie; 06/01/15 06:43 PM.