Originally Posted by Mana
I registered DD (who was 3 at the time) as a Kindergardener on Dreambox at first and the repetitiveness was a big pain so I had them erase the account and then I re-registered her as a 2nd grader but she still got tired of it nonetheless. I like the program though but no buy-in from the child.

She much prefers DragonBox apps.

I am still waiting for Beast Academy 2nd grade but I think we might have to start at 3rd grade. It is also really expensive.

Yeah, we did the multiple level thing, too. While he generally enjoyed the first of each activity, he was still of the mindset that it was a one-and-done deal. It was a game I probably would have loved as a 3 year old, so I can see how temperament drives taste here.

(Temperament context aside 1: I remember some crappy DOS mad math game I played obsessively around 4. If you completed something absurd like 50 problems in under 90 seconds, an animated video of a raccoon walking through different scenes would progress by 1/4 inch each pass. Man, that was crack for my kiddie brain! "Come on, raccoon, reach for that manhole cover...! Gah, another turn to reach it?! Oh well, here we go again." Lather, rinse, repeat. I can see my parents rubbing their hands together when they saw it in action, haha!)

(Unrelated aside 2: Ditto on Beast. Remember: it's less expensive than therapy! wink I had rather hoped the grade 2 curriculum would be out in time for DS, but it seems not, unless we do a victory lap. IDK?)