-edited to delete scores-

We have an IEP meeting coming up in a few days, so I am trying to come into the process with as much information as I can get. I have read that the RIAS scores can tend to run high, even as much as 10 points. I knew she was gifted (why else would I have been pushing the school for so long?) but I am a bit shocked by the CIX, so maybe what I am seeing here is an inflated score?
The GWR mentions briefly that "a verbal memory measure was administered ... she scored within the average range and struggled significantly with this area in comparison to her other ability measures." I have suspected that she could be 2e, maybe a possibility of processing delay, and had kind of hoped that the school's testing might be able to identify what I haven't been able to put my finger on. So my question is this-- should we seek private testing in the hopes of getting more thorough results? Probably through a WISC-IV? Or should we just wait and see how the IEP meeting goes, how she does in the next year or so with the gifted pull-out program and classroom differentiation?

Last edited by Lanie; 07/13/15 06:47 PM. Reason: Score privacy