DD7 (almost 8) is in 2nd grade at a very small gifted school. She started out in kindergarten in public school and after a couple of years of minimal acceleration/differentiation there we moved her to the new school this year. Overall she has been happy and finally feels that she is learning. She is in a multigrade class, basically 1-3 grade. They use a gifted curriculum and work at least a year ahead in language arts, social studies, history, creative writing. The math teacher has the children split into groups by ability but she is able to differentiate further and provide more challenge if needed. DD started the year in the middle group and worked ahead until the teacher moved her up to the top group. Next year they plan to have a K/1 class, a 2/3 class and a 4/5 class as the school expands a little.

In the past month or two DD has been asking to skip a grade. At first I didn't pay that much attention to be honest as it was not something I was considering. Now she is becoming rather insistent. So, I figured I should talk to her teachers about how she was doing and how different the 2nd vs 3rd curriculum will be and let them know that DD wanted to go to 4th. Her math teacher thought for a minute then said that whatever we decided she could give DD additional challenge however she felt that DD learned very quickly and was focused and motivated and thought she would have no problem skipping to 4th grade. She is currently doing 4th to 5th grade math right now (but the current 4th and 5th grade students are working well beyond that). Then I met with her language arts teacher who thought about it a minute then said that DD's writing and vocabulary stand out (as excellent) and she has never come across anything that DD does not know how to do. Her reading comprehension and analysis are above level. Overall she felt there were not be much different if she went to 3rd grade next year as she is already performing at least at that level.

Ok. So now I am in a perhaps eviable position that the private school is completely open to just "moving her up" to 4th and into the next class. If it doesn't work out we can easily move her down. I know that if we were still in public school that grade skipping is much harder to get. I am now a bit uncomfortable keeping her in 3rd as the teacher didn't feel it would challenge her. I know the math teacher could give her more but honestly I feel that DD's performance will rise to the top (or near the top) of whatever group she is in (within reason). If she is in a class of 4th and 5th graders then she will work to be at their level. If she is at the top of the class already then I don't think she will push to do more. She certainly didn't at public school. Socially I don't think it is a big deal right now. It is a small school and the kids play together at recess, lunch etc and have enrichment type classes altogether in the afternoon (art, computer, chess, theater etc). I am a bit nervous about moving her up a grade as I really don't want her to go to middle school early. This is especially true if we move her back to public school at that point which will be a tough transition I think (tiny school to large school). We had even considered whether we wanted to move back to public school this year or next because there are better teachers for 3rd, 4th , 5th and because of cost of the private school and some considerations for her younger sister. Overall I think we are better where we are but we are considering all options including pursuing a skip to 4th at the public school where she would hopefully be in a 4th/5th grade class that is advanced.

I have heard about the Iowa Acceleration scale but do not know what it includes. We do not have achievement test results for example and I suspect it might use those results. I am wondering if there is any use in having her tested even though the school is not requiring anything. If we did consider returning to public school with acceleration would there be a problem if we did achievement testing and then the school wanted to do their own testing? Is there anything else that we need in order to use the Iowa Acceleration scale or is it even necessary to go through any of that if the school is willing. I am just afraid to take this decision too lightly just because the option is easy to do.

We are already thinking about skipping DD4 into kindergarten next year. She barely misses the K cut off and the private school doesn't have a problem with her starting K early.

I'm just not sure how I feel about my soon to be preschool and 3rd grade children (next year) becoming K and 4th graders instead. But of course I want them to have challenge and enjoy school. I know many children on this board have accelerated and been happy. These decisions are so hard! Then again, when I mentioned to DD that I was considering the skip but I hated to have her go to middle school a year early she said, "No problem. I'll just take a year off to work and earn money for college." So thats helpful smile Not sure how much she will earn at 10 years of age but you never know.