Hi there! I couldn't be happier that I found this site and have a place to turn to voice my concerns and my children's accomplishments! I have two DD's, one going into second and one going into first. Both tested into the gifted program at their school and we are very pleased there will be more of a challenge in the classroom for them. Each one has expressed being bored from time to time, but luckily it has not impacted them or their classmates in an outwardly negative way. We have been blessed/lucky to have teachers that recognize their abilities and will challenge them.

Ok, on to my concern. The gifted program at their school has the grades grouped together. This means that next year they will be in the same classroom (1st/2nd) and then again two years after (3rd/4th). While neither is a perfectionist or competitive, I worry that they may feel the need to compete with each other, or even worse, my oldest will feel "less" than her little sister. I do not want my oldest, DD7, to feel her accomplishments or achievements are any less than her sister, even though they will be in the same class. She is very sensitive and can have her feelings hurt rather easily. I do not have our meeting with the teacher for a couple of weeks, and I wondered if any of you might have dealt with a similar situation and how it worked out for you? DD7 is thrilled about the idea of being in the same class together, but I have a feeling that novelty will wear off rather quickly. My DD5, has said she is "kind of happy" with the situation, and I think she thinks her sister will try to boss her around. We'll see I guess.

Some have told me I am thinking too much about this and things will be fine, however, I don't want either of them to have this be a horrible experience for them. I would feel much better if they were in different classes! I am happy for any words of wisdom! Thank you!!