I'm bumping this thread just to make a comment re: EMDR.

My son is currently doing this therapy and the clinician uses pulsars instead of eye movements.

I wrote my thesis on EMDR and think it is a really good front-line intervention with little downside.

We have already seen (after just three sessions) a big improvement in mood and behavior. Of course, there are several other factors so it's hard to know exactly what is helping.

One thing about therapy: it works best with a non-resistant client. My son loves having a counselor and we are a very "mental health aware" family. However, when I have worked with children/teens who don't want to be there--it's much more difficult and takes much longer to build rapport and willingness to consider changes.

Having a good fit with therapist/client is, IMHO, the most important piece of the puzzle. Much like classroom teacher. This can be much more difficult than one might think--but if your child doesn't "take" to the therapist in a couple of sessions, I'd suggest trying another.