If you are in Sydney it must be the same psyc Jayta. And it's interesting the psyc then used the extended norms but only at your request. I guess though that if the extended norms on the SB5 never give a much higher score than 160 for anyone then it's not possible to distinguish between exceptionally and profoundly gifted using the SB5 - at least in the way it was possible with the Stanford Binet l-m?

And I know what you mean that you are grateful the score wasn't much higher - but once you get to > 99.9th percentile I think that is pretty extreme anyhow! My DS started school this year and things have been pretty tough and we are having all sorts of issues at school and home - from trying to get school work at the right level to extremely selective eating, and things just seem to be constantly getting worse. We are going to start counselling for DS soon and hopefully that will help.