Originally Posted by DeeDee
If everybody could, everybody would.
Beyond ability (the "could" part of the statement), there is motivation (the "would" part of the statement), and people are motivated by different things. As discussed frequently on the forums, some families believe the ivies are the right "fit". Although many students "could" enroll in Global Freshman Academy, not all "would". The program just provides one more option for a possible "fit" for some individuals who may otherwise fall through the cracks.

In reality, many who attempt this will fail
Possibly among those who sample a class and do not complete it, those with a growth mindset and/or an optimistic/resilient outlook will find that their lives are richer for the experience of having explored this option: they may have learned a bit about themselves, the subjects they enrolled for, and the program itself... with only an investment of their time, and no financial cost.

... the education received by many of the rest will be a poor substitute for actual instruction.
This may depend, in part, on what they bring into the program? Rather than project negative outcomes, some may say it is wise to wait to see the outcomes and statistical summaries of the first cohort of this new outreach.