We have an ongoing issue with my younger ds and I'm not certain where to turn at this point. Perhaps someone else has had some experience in this area.

Some background - I am gifted as are both my ds's. There is a three year difference in their ages. My older ds was identified when 4-5 y.o. by our school system gifted coordinator, who is no longer there (which is a bummer, and another story in and of itself). DH and I decided NOT to have him grade accelerated because he was also talented in sports and small for his age. Gifted coordinator was willing to work with us to make sure that he was served and was willing to be very flexible - however, as it turns out, elementary school was not as flexible. He is now 13, and is taking Honors Algebra II at our HS, but cannot seem to get services for any other subjects. He and younger ds were tested by very well respected psychologist and given both WISC-IV and WJ-III in 2012 because I suspected that younger ds was also gifted but was not "achieving" the same way as his older brother. Both boys had GAIs of 135 on the WISC-IV - with younger ds scoring virtually identically to his older brother with the exception of working memory, where older scored 146 (very superior) and younger scored 126 (superior). Younger actually scored higher on processing speed than older and they were back and forth on the various subtests. Now, I completely understand that each child is an individual, and not expected to act the same. But with such similar scores on the WISC-IV, I think one would expect that there academic experiences would be similar.

However, this has not been the case. I had suspected for some time that there was something different with the way my younger ds learned, but not being an educator or a psychologist, it was only one of those mother feelings. I had thought perhaps he was ADD, however, again we asked the psychologist and she said there was no indication this was the case. Interestingly, both boys took the OLSAT when they were in 2nd grade. Older ds's scores were as I expected - he scored in the 99.9 percentile and had an SAI of 141. Younger ds's scores were difficult to explain given his WISC-IV scores - 86.7 percentile with an SAI of 117. If he had not already been tested as gifted by an outside psychologist, he would not have qualified for gifted services, such as they are in our school district - which are supposed to be very good, but in reality are only lip-service.

Subsequent scores and my younger ds's school performance are even more inconsistent. Both boys were actually able to multiply in/before Kindergarten. However, the school would not let him accelerate in math in 1st grade because although his WJ-III scores as compared to other 1st graders were in the 95 percentile, they were in the 60 percentile for the 2nd grade, which was the grade that he would be accelerated to. So, he had to sit in classes where he was bored...and he became very lackadaisical about school, becoming something of a class clown instead. His WJ-III scores (which he has taken 3 times) for Applied Problems have always been close to the 98 percentile, while his calculation scores are closer to the 90 percentile. Also, his math fluency is very low - around the 57 percentile.

Although he can certainly add, subtract, multiply and divide - he cannot do so fast enough to pass the timed tests that the school gives. He still struggles with basic math facts when put on the spot. The school system has recently started giving the Measures of Academic Progress tests this year he scored 73 and 76 on the math portion, even though on the WJ-III he scored in the 95 percentile.

The school is next year trying to keep him out of an accelerated math program which encompases 5th and 6th grade math in one year - even though he gets mainly A's in math and in my opinion is perfectly capable.

I have suspected for some years that he has some sort of LD - and last November we took him to another well respected psychologist to discuss this issue. Basically, all we got out of that meeting was that he could possibly be ADHD-other, but the results were inconclusive. I have done some research on my own and suspect that he may be dyslexic, due to the fact that he exhibits similar characteristics to the boy on this video:
However, his reading tests do not seem to indicate that he atually has dyslexia - but every other characteristic is similar.

Other reading that I have done indicates that a score of 10-15 percentile lower on the OLSAT as compared to the WISC-IV is a good indication of some type of LD. Why haven't the psychologists picked up on this, even when questioned about it? How can we figure out what type of LD he might have?

I am hoping that someone has had some sort of experience with this. Any thoughts?