DADD22 – Thanks for sharing. It’s good to have an idea about what challenges we might potentially face.

ConnectingDots – Because I don’t know all the works in the Primary classroom, I couldn’t say for sure where he is… but I feel fairly confident he’s outgrown the math works in his classroom. He’s doing addition, multiplication, and subtraction (with negative numbers). In fact, he can do all of these operations with missing variables (e.g., 3x?=21). He can also count money well. I’ve seen him count change over $2.

DS is a good reader (~1st or 2nd grade level?) and a decent speller, but I’m not as concerned about language arts as I am math. Truthfully I wouldn’t be concerned about anything if he weren’t having some behavioral issues. I’d be happy for him to work on geography, sensorial, and practical life works all day… but math is practically all he wants to do. If we’re going to adhere to the “follow the child” principle, then I think we’ve got to find a way to introduce him to some more math works.