Does anyone know any colleges that will let him subject accelerate while he finish his other work in high school.

You may wish to begin your search by consulting with your son's high school policies and practices, as high schools may reserve the right to offer or deny credit toward high school graduation for outside courses, including college-level courses, taken by a high school student.

Some high schools require proactive approval of any outside courses for credit, a process which may entail a family providing the high school with information such as the college course syllabus, grading scale, and accreditation information on the particular institution(s).

It is becoming more common for high schools to have dual enrollment agreements with a number of colleges and universities, which may make it easier to choose a course for which the high school will grant credit.

That being said, BYU Independent Study offers online courses at the college level, including History and Poli Sci. (To navigate, click Courses, then under Course Catalog click University Courses.)