Is it possible to advocate to change your child's learning environment, possibly moving to another teacher's classroom, switching schools, or homeschooling?

Is it possible for her to have a play date, or enjoy classmates' company outside of school at a movie, museum, or sports event, to help provide affirmation and social support?

Originally Posted by Kerry
She loves to do role playing and makes up elaborate story lines we have to follow as we play whatever the scenario is for the day.
Have you considered saving some of those story lines and scenarios as original books or games? If she is not enjoying drawing at the moment, illustrations could be stickers or origami for a pop-up book. Purchased blank books and game boards need not be used, as regular paper could suffice (and for some children, might reduce a sense of pressure as blank sheets of paper may make it relatively easy to re-do an individual page if desired).

The old American Girl craft books are a rich source of ideas, as are internet search results for "Rube Goldberg machine", "science fair experiments", and miscellaneous found items such as "egg carton craft ideas", or clothes pins or popsicle sticks (also called craft sticks or tongue depressors). Google images shows a wealth of ideas for hand made characters, habitats, and miniature furniture from materials already mentioned and also sponge, felt, and cardboard.

Having a box or a desk with drawers filled with miscellaneous materials may help her develop her inner engineer. She may wish to take pictures of her projects, and make a scrapbook or portfolio of them.

Wishing your daughter all the best for the remainder of this difficult school year!