We had the opportunity at age 5 for my son to either enroll in a second year of preschool or enroll in Kindergarten. We opted for another year of preschool based on the notion that he really loved his preschool and, as a result, thrived and blossomed tremendously the second year.

Of course, we have since discovered that he is HG... so we have it a bit harder for ourselves now, as he is 6 in Kindergarten this year and definitely lacking challenge. What's worse is that the school does not want to accelerate him because he is supposedly "not the brightest kid in the classroom" (according to his teacher).

I don't regret our decision for a second year of pre-school, though, even knowing what I know now. So I think it just depends on the kid and the pre-school. We didn't want to change a good thing.

Last edited by George C; 04/06/15 02:40 PM.