((Big sigh)) Well, I have now toured all of the available schools and spoken with the teachers. I have come to realize (at least in our situation, maybe not for everyone) that the individual teacher is as important, if not MORE important than the learning environment.
Today I had the chance to visit the classroom where DD would be placed next year if she stays in her current school. This would be an "advanced" 1st grade class, with a tech focus. 1 to 1 iPad ratio, some coding and animation design work fused with the regular state standards. Looks great when you are there. Kids all working quietly on high level stuff for their age. I spoke with the teacher about what she does with a child who may be hiding their abilities, or refusing to work. Whether that's because it's easier to refuse to work than try and make a mistake, or refusing because they think they have already mastered something, or just out of a need for control... Anyway, her opinion was clear, you do as you are told or you get out. While an authoritative style may be helpful for some students, I know for my very independent daughter it is a recipe for disaster. Teacher is talking to me about the grade levels the kids are performing at- which are truly impressive- but if you have to sacrifice a student's independent nature to get there, what is the point? My DD already reads well above grade level, but she is still not reaching her potential. Telling her she should read at a higher level "because I said so" is not the inspiration I was hoping for, and it's also laughable. As if she will miraculously decide to comply. Lets all hope our transfer request is granted!