Originally Posted by Dazed&Confuzed
I loved this letter:

Gifted ed. is NOT a middle class retention program in urban school systems, nor is it an excuse to segregate white students from the rest of the school community. Gifted learning differences are NOT something that can be taught to a child with flashcards or simply the result of having middle class parents. Gifted children should NOT be in general ed. to "learn about" or contribute to the class' diversity or, worse yet, to "teach" other students. Giftedness IS identifiable in students of all races, classes and genders and gifted education should serve whatever populations need it. The problem with it right now in large urban areas is that giftedness is not identified well, so it appears as if G and T is an elitist segregation. That should not be an argument for its elimination, rather, a reason to rethink identification methodology.

When I complained about my son being used to teach other students, I was told that "use your best students" is taught widely in teacher education. I tried to counter that maybe this philosophy was wrong and gave examples of how it stopped the bright one from getting anywhere. I don't think she heard me.
