Originally Posted by Lorel
I have to hand it to you- at 26 I wasn't married or a parent, and I don't think I would have had the wisdom to seek out accommodations and network with other GT parents the way you do. I've always been a bit of a late bloomer.

Ha, Lorel -- don't get me wrong, it wasn't exactly in my life plan to be a 26yo mother of a highly gifted 6yo!

And it took me a looong time to see him for what he was; I honestly thought that the 3yo self-taught reading was a product of MG/HG parents and a supportive environment! I didn't really start to seriously look at the giftedness until he was 4.5 and reading Captain Underpants to himself. smile

And even then, I didn't give public K a second thought -- it didn't occur to me how *far* advanced he was, and what a problem it might be. We talked briefly about having him start in first last year (which probably would have been ideal) but the school wasn't having it ... so we just went with K.

So yeah, it took me a long time to get to this point. But when I start to look into something -- well, I look into it. A lot. I'm so glad to have found the support I have found online; I would be pretty lost and hopeless without it! So, thanks. smile Even if my advocacy efforts came to nothing with his public school, at least I knew what could (and with his personality, likely *would*) happen if we didn't get him out of there.

Dottie -- KG's fascinated with gas prices! He says he's invented a car that uses less gas, and goes faster, with fewer horse power. I've yet to see concrete plans -- but we could be millionaires! laugh

Kriston -- With DYS ... since the second round of testing didn't, um, take, it does come down to the portfolio for now, and once again, I just don't know what to send in! No idea. I feel like if I send worksheets, they'll wonder if I coached him. Same with most video. Not sure what to do on that front.

Dazed -- Yeah, I'm pretty lucky he's an only child -- there'd be no way we could afford that tuition for two. I honestly have no idea what we'd do if there were more KGs ... chug away at the school, I guess, and hope to goodness we could change their ways. smile At least we'd be able to help other kids in the same situation, then ... there are more than a few kids at KG's public school who could benefit from a better gifted program and/or acceleration.

'Neato -- off to read!

Again, thanks to all for the warm welcome back!

Last edited by Mia; 07/25/08 11:28 AM.
