Hi Lepa,

Don't apologize for rambling. It's so hard to feel isolated and unable to talk to anybody to sort out what to do. I think many of us have been in your shoes in one way or another - I know I have.

Five was a very hard year for DS7. In fact, 3.5 to 6 was just a long, hard slog for us all. He also has lots of excitabilities and had a very hard time getting out of his head and into social interaction in anything remotely approaching a typical way. We also had him assessed (formally - twice - because we were desperate for answers) and were told "no" on ASD and ADHD (but yes on PG and dyslexic/dysgraphic). There were just things going on his mind that were way, way out of the box.

Things are better for him these days, and he has a few good friends at school. For us - this wasn't really the result of any specific therapy or action, because the things we tried didn't seem to help or fit. Somehow, his brain just seems to be pulling together in a way that makes it easier for him to relate to and enjoy others. A wise mom of another PG kid told me this happened for her child, and I clung to that during those hard years.

Now I'm rambling! But what I mean is - your kid is miles ahead having parents who care and work for him. I hope life gets easier (quieter!) for him sooner rather than later. But with you in his corner, I'm betting he's going to come out well. Meantime, well, at least none of us is stuck thinking we're alone!
