Hello ! it has been couple years since my last post here .Back then i was contemplating about pulling him out from public school or not. Public school didn't do much to our son despite the requests we tried . Many stressful days .

Since i pulled my son out from there couple years ago ,it's been better . I'd say occasionally not so good days but mostly are decent good days , not as stressful as public school .

So what brought me here ? I need some help , i need some opinions . And maybe reading from your experiences how to deal with anger and frustration .

My son is 10 years old , just turned 10 couple of months ago . Lately it seems like he gets frustrated easily ( he gets frustrated anyway if he doesn't get it right quick ) , but it happens more and more now . Simple simple thing will get him fiery and gets mad . For example , he's having a hard time memorizing this Indian emperor during history lesson yesterday and he threw a fit and gets so mad over it .
Another example , when i said something wrong , he would criticize me like crazy , not in a nice way either , a lot of time it's with attitude . The tone sets the meaning ! He is a grammar police in the house .

Or during math , he's working 2 almost 3 level ahead his age , and i understand it is not getting any easier , but the tears is almost in daily basis , if he doesn't get it right , or if he can't understand it , he gets so mad , so frustrated to the point he started crying . Crying over math !! Then he would scream and cry and throw a fist in the air it's like he really hates it that doesn't get it right .

I admit , he is a perfectionist , for example , drawing anatomy of a heart , including all the names , and he made a tiny mistake , if it were me , i just cross it and write the correct name . But instead he got mad about it because it will be so messy and lots of cross marks , etc . Almost cried about it as well . He crumpled it up but opened it back up and with heavy heart accepted it that he could just cross it and put the correct name , after all it was just 1 mistake .

Sometimes i have to keep reminding myself that , maybe this is normal ? Because i am not gifted , i was not gifted child , if i made a mistake well then i'll cross it and put the correct name . If i can't understand math , or made a mistake , well then i'd have them explaining to me again until it get it . I didn't find the need to cry and mad just because i didn't get it right away .

How do you deal with this day to day anger , the subjects he's learning isn't any easier , it's getting harder and harder . I know i was very goal oriented since i wanted things to finish certain way , under certain time , etc . But i am trying to slow things down now , i am trying to be more flexible , we even take breaks after 2 days of school .

Or .. is it because the hormones ?? I really have no clue , he's my only one and some friends said it's the hormones . It's very up and down , but i know what frustrates him the most usually is about school subjects .

Sorry it's long , any opinions is appreciated ! Thank you !