There are some folks on this site that know a lot more than me about this subject...I am hoping they'll see this and either correct me or weigh-in...

It is my understanding that Stanford and Johns Hopkins both use EPGY as their underlying math program for gifted children. I've seen posts on this site that seem to indicate you can get a group of students together and purchase this same program at a reduced rate. Johns Hopkins uses Plato for their introductory science courses. I don't know if the same holds true for Stanford and whether or not they too can be bulk purchased???

Although not geared towards gifted kids, a website I also like is Homeschool Buyers Co-op. They have some amazing deals. Recently, my son took a Designing Mods for Minecraft by Youth Digital class through HBC and he loved it.

Perhaps you can tell the board what your child is most interested in and members can make recommendations???