Welcome canuckgirl! We had the same situation with our first-born also - he woke up at 5 just as perky and ready to be active as can be, unlike my dh and myself at that time of day! He also didn't go to sleep until around 11 pm, never napped, and was a light sleeper so he often woke up in the middle of the night if there was a noise anywhere within 20 miles of our house smile

He is still, today at 15, an early riser who doesn't require much sleep, and it's a good thing now, because his high school schedule starts really early in the morning.

Back then, what we did, by the time he was 5, was to have a small something out that he could grab and eat by himself (cereal, apple, granola bar etc), and let him watch cartoons on tv or play with his toys by himself. That worked for his personality, although he never ran off to do any of that independent play until he'd first jumped on our bed excitedly announcing the start of a new day smile

Hang in there - I can honestly say *now* that I miss those days smile

Best wishes,
