Casy, my son was evaluated at 5/6, had about 1.5years of OT with an amazing OT (this is REALLY important, you have to find a good one - they might be "trained" in sensory integration, but that doesn't always mean a lot - our first OT told us we simply had to be more strict with DS and that would "solve" the "problem". She also told the teacher that there was something else "wrong" with DS!!! Anyway, so I can't say it enough: find a good one!)

But now at 8 I look back and am amazed at how far we have come. OT had a very noticeable effect and his behaviour would go backwards if we went long periods without it - to start. Towards the end the OT recommended stretching him between appointments to see if we could wean him off, and it worked really well.

Please update us with all your info. Hope it all went well!

“...million-to-one chances crop up nine times out of ten.”
-Terry Pratchett