We're homeschooling and I'm trying to do more with language arts. DS6 has dyslexia/dysgraphia/dyspraxia, but his giftedness is in language (of course, ironically). What I've been doing is just a ton of read-alouds, books on computer, etc. I do a lot of student-led interest books. I also read literature to him, either from good quality children's lit lists, mensa lists, anything that sounds nice. But then I just ask for summaries on the chapters, how the books made him feel, main ideas, characters, etc. I'm at a loss and feel it's not enough conceptually. But I'm uncertain a formal LA program will be too difficult because of the dyslexia/dysgraphia. I currently scribe and read everything as we're slowly remediating the dyslexia.

Are there any programs that are great for high IQ in language arts but modifiable for dyslexia/dysgraphia? Also time is a concern as we spend a lot of our day working on homeschool. Better than public school but still pretty busy. I've heard a lot about MCT but I'm pretty ignorant about the program.

Life is the hardest teacher. It gives the test first and then teaches the lesson.