DS9 is dysgraphic and has an IEP that includes a handwriting restriction. He is to write by hand no more than one sentence and it is up to him whether to write even that one sentence, or to type or have scribed the entirety of his work. We put a specific restriction in the IEP along with the accommodations because of past compliance problems. This year one of DS's teachers has been routinely violating the writing restriction and over-ruling DS when he objects (with threats of keeping him in during recess if he doesn't write!). We have protested, with increasing vehemence, all the way up the food chain and gotten assurances at every level that the IEP will be followed, to no avail in the classroom.

Yesterday saw another violation/threat and I am officially apoplectic. DS knows what his IEP says and is demanding I "do something". Having exhausted the food chain, I am left thinking my only option for 'doing something' may be to take handwriting off the table entirely. No pencils for DS, thanks very much. Or do I remove handwriting for just this teacher (who deserves to be singled out, but the others have had similar moments, just without the threats)? Or carve out very specific exceptions like spelling words and numbers in math, still to a small maximum amount?

The original prohibition on any writing was on the orders of DS's pediatrician. We only gave a smidge of flexibility to be "reasonable". No good deed goes unpunished at this school. The medical advice hasn't changed, so there's theoretically no bar to imposing a total writing ban.

I'd love some suggestions/thoughts. Thanks.