I spoke with our VP yesterday to find out a little more about the MAP test as the interpretation of the scores I had found were not matching hers. The answer is that our district tests higher than a lot of the country so scores, he tested 224, that mean high 6th, average 7th can also mean 5th. She going to get me a copy of their interpretation.

The question I have comes from her last comment. She said the even though he is testing 5th grade for her, 6th/7th for someone else that there should be no curriculum change because it would be developmentally inappropriate for a 2nd grader to be learning exponents. I don't quite understand. How is this developmentally inappropriate? I understand how reading certain books can be developmentally inappropriate even though the child is capable due to the subject matter, but math?

Does math need to be developmentally appropriate and what does that even mean in math? Are there any studies, books, or websites that discuss this issue in regards to gifted children?

Any help or insight you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Last edited by Eibbed; 02/03/15 12:30 PM.