My mom who is a retired teacher sent this to me yesterday after reading it in the paper. She knows that DS is gifted/LD and that I've been trying to advocate for him and others both at the school level and at the board level. We've never really seen eye-to-eye on most things to do with gifted education. Kids should learn to do what they are told and learn how to do stuff even if it bores them to tears - it prepares them for real life. I know as a kid I figured that out real quick.

We recently spent a month traveling with her. Her comment about the article was that she could really see a lot of DS in the examples. She also said that "it shows how little I knew about gifted students and I was working with kids." I figure an article that was able to change my mom's view on gifted education is worth sharing. Hopefully it will be able to change a few more minds.