I think get in early is best. We used to wait for the 'let the teacher get to know her' period and always regretted it. We found the sooner the better for teacher meetings. Things can move slowly at school and it can take teachers a while to get to know kids.

My DD just started her first day of the new year and its a grade skip. Watching for over excitement and excess stimulation followed by fatigue and exhaustion. We make sure DD is fed and watered fast after school. Maybe take both kids out for afternoon tea or have a special one at home.

Just texted DD and mostly the day is going ok but a couple of unexpected hitches. She is coping. Expecting collapse on couch with a headache later from coping with the load. Early to bed for sure.

Congratulations. I hope the way is smooth. It's usually better than you think but there are usually ups and downs at school grade skip or no so don't worry if there are bumps. Well done to older sister for being supportive. Kudos to her.