When it comes to compacting curriculum within a public school setting, what has your successful accomplishment of this looked like? Has the school allowed your child to test out of segments of a subject and if so, do they spend time one-on-one teaching just your child where they are at?

If that was not possible, has anyone been allowed to partial homeschool in that subject so they can achieve compaction at home so as not to disrupt the flow of teaching the rest of the students?

Did the school object to compaction by saying that the child would finish all instruction with too much time left in the year? If so, did they allow your child to move to the next level even though it was unlikely they would finish it before school is let out for the summer?

Sorry for all the questions. I just don't know what successful compaction really looks like. We are considering asking for this for our son and want to know specifically what we should ask for and what possible roadblocks we may face.