so DD4 who is due to start school in May has proven herself to be one of those kids who will hide her abilities to fit in.

As you may have seen from my other posts we hit a brick wall with reading (which I have completely dropped) and now she is going backwards with math (only ever been offered at her request). Finally after a few months of thinking oh well the test must have been wrong she comes out with -"what am I going to do at school if I already know what the teacher is telling me"

bingo so we know that happened there - but how do I fix this - she has obviously overheard me talking and her Granny has been in her ear about waiting to go to school to learn (she was a teacher in the 60's)so she has put the brakes on learning - which in and of itself is fine, I don't feel a need for her to break any learning records, however I am concerned about how this will play out when she gets to school and sees what the kids are doing.

After viewing the get ready to start school video yesterday I decided not to show her, I'm pretty sure seeing the kids make their names with play dough would just be the end for her.

Any suggestions for getting her to just be herself?