This is my not-tested-gifted DS6 (my DD10 is a DYS). He is classified as developmentally delayed (social-emotional), although he is a bright, funny boy who is doing fine academically. We just had his IEP meeting earlier this week. I didn't notice to ask about this during the meeting, but the document seemed to say he was only getting services out of the classroom now, not "push in" services, and I didn't remember getting any notification about that change. The special ed teacher (new this year), emailed me the new IEP to approve, and I asked her about it.

She told me that she hadn't received any information about him getting "push in" services, and that she didn't see it in last year's IEP. So that caused me to actually pull the old IEP and send it to her, pointing out the difference, when I discovered that not only did she change the type of services unilaterally and without notice, but she dropped one session without telling me. He used to get 3 half-hours of "push in" services and one of "pull out" services, plus one half-hour of SLP time. He's been getting 3 half-hours of pull-out services since September, and they're bumping it down to 2 now. I mean, he's still making progress, so I guess it's retroactively OK, but it grinds my gears that she's his case manager and she can't even read his IEP and schedule services accordingly. I haven't gotten a response to the latest email.

Overall, I know I should be (and I am) happy that he is making progress with his delays. But you all will understand that I am also mad. And he is so young and so uncommunicative about school that there's no way I could have caught this. I wonder how many other families have the same issues and don't even know.

This new special ed teacher also forgot to put the names in the bcc field and "outed" all of the special ed parents to one another in September. And she didn't remember to notify us of the date of the IEP meeting - it would have proceeded without us if I hadn't happened to email the SLP with a question! She's very nice, and DS really likes her, but I have yet to see her do anything without screwing it up in some fashion.