Meeting went incredibly well today!!!

In the meeting were the principal, his current teacher, the AIG person at the school, the AIG representative for the entire county, and a lady who administered a 3rd grade practice Math EOG, a 3rd grade practice Reading EOG, and another Reading Assessment to my son today.

He scored 92% on the 3rd grade practice Reading EOG and 80% on the 3rd grade Math EOG. We had mentioned that we were worried about the gaps there may be because of not having the last half of his 2nd grade year and the first half of his 3rd grade year. She said looking at these scores should put our minds at ease...if he can make that percentage on a end of 3rd grade test while only being at the half way point of 2nd grade he doesn't have many gaps and if he did they would work with him to fill those.

They said they wouldn't recommend only pulling him out because he was so advanced he would have to be pulled out for everything.

They went on to say that even if we put him in 3rd grade he's still going to need differentiation made because of how advanced he is. They are going to go ahead and write an AIG plan for him so that he will receive those services and allow him to be a part of the Science Olympiad Team (even though he's too young to compete in the competitions) and the school's afterschool music program.

We went through everything with my son should have seen how large his eyes got (from happiness) when I mentioned moving up to third grade. I think it was even more excitement than when he wakes up and sees what Santa Claus brought. He was so happy he couldn't stop smiling until he went to bed about 90 minutes after we talked to him. He's always loved school but I haven't seen this much excitement in his eyes for a while. I think him moving up to 3rd grade is a definite yes in his eyes...therefore in our eyes as well!

Our 2nd semester starts on January 28th (we have three days off between now and then) so the plan is to have the school AIG teacher pull him out of his second grade class some and take him to his third grade classroom a few times over the next two weeks just so he can get a feel for the classroom and expectations. They didn't feel comfortable with a 6 week trial in the classroom (although after seeing his reaction tonight I don't think there could be a problem) so I think this two week problem will be a great trial for him. His 3rd grade teacher will meet with him and get to know him before January 28th.. And then on January 28th he will become a full fledged third grader!

Thanks to all of you for your has been an unbelievable wife and I are so happy about our son being challenged again!!


Last edited by TripleB; 01/10/15 09:44 AM.